Cancer Care

Your Dog’s Cancer Diagnosis Is Overwhelming: Here are the Next Steps

brown dog looking right

Article Highlights

  • Next steps after pet’s cancer diagnosis

  • Tips for how to help your pet while dealing with cancer

  • Online resources about canine cancer

Hearing your veterinarian say your pet has cancer is never easy. This is an overwhelming time. You may be unsure of what to do next, which is why we’ve complied some tips and resources to help guide you through this difficult time.


Many people’s first reaction to finding out their pet has cancer is to research the type of cancer. While it can be beneficial to read about the cancer on the internet, be cautious. Consult your veterinarian and/or oncologist and only consult trusted websites with professional advice or expertise. Websites associated with veterinary schools or veterinary practices are a good place to start. Be cautious of information shared on social media. Finding groups online may provide a support system for you of people going through a similar experience. In addition to researching the type of cancer, it can be beneficial to spend time thoroughly researching different types of treatments. Do not purchase any treatments online without first consulting with your veterinarian.

How to help care for your pet

  • Visit your veterinarian regularly to monitor the condition of your dog.
  • Keep your usual routine. Pets enjoy their routines and this will help give them a sense of normalcy. Try to keep them on a consistent eating schedule with well-balanced meals. Providing proper nourishment will help your pet feel better. Short, regular walks can help your pet stay active.
  • Help them get around. Your pet may not be as active as they once were. You can assist them going up and down stairs, getting up when lying down, or helping them get into the car. They can’t ask for your help so it is important to watch for when they may need a little extra help getting around.
  • Be cheerful. Dogs can often sense your mood. Being cheerful and positive will comfort your pet. It may be hard to think positive during this time, but it can be helpful for both of you.

Resources about canine cancer